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Dear Friends, this is our 4 annual Easter mission for the homeless kids , please help make it happen and let’s make little warrior smiles.

It is the mission of Victorious Warriors, III., Inc. to help others in time of need, to support and guide individuals to a positive path, and to lift them up and remind them that they do not stand alone. We are here to represent, give direction, and become an inspiration. Our duty is to give individuals hope and determination to keep moving forward. We are a circle of strength and power that help others believe in themselves as we believe in ourselves. We aim to make the world a better place.

Victorious Warriors, III., Inc., is beginning its next mission, “Save Easter”. We ask for your help as we provide the homeless children in our community with Easter Baskets. We are also providing Arts and Crafts materials to their shelter home, Crystal House. To aid our “Save Easter” mission, we are collecting Easter baskets, construction paper, coloring books, crayons, scissors, puzzles, games, new or used stuffed animals/small bunnies, etc., for their Easter Baskets. ( workshop event ) we preferred completed baskets, your touch is priceless.

I am reaching out to our community and asking for your financial assistance and volunteer services to make our mission a success. Your donation will put cheerful smiles on the homeless children of Crystal House on Easter Sunday. Together, we can make a difference at a time when many families are focused on giving thanks for the bounty in their lives, while others are feeling the pain of need.

Victorious Warriors III., Inc. relies on generous donations from caring people like yourself to provide services to the less fortunate residents of our community, the Bronx. Let us make 2019 the year of giving! With your donation of $10.00 or more per child, we can save Easter for a homeless child in our community by providing a beautiful Easter Basket and help bring a smile to a family in need.

Our fund raising goal for 2019 is to bring a little bit of happiness to families in need. I hope we can count on your support to reach our goal. Any donation, no matter how small or large, will make a difference. To make a tax-deductible donation, please call Diana Diffut, President of Victorious Warriors III., Inc., at 917-476-3458. You may also donate via check, making the check out to: “Victorious warriors III, Inc. Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated, and they will make a difference in our loving community, the Bronx.

If you have any questions, please contact our President, Diana Diffut via email at:

Sincerely yours,

Diana Diffut –CEO

Warrior of Love

Save Easter 2019 for the less fortunate

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