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The Full Story

Thanksgiving Mission 2023

Victorious Warriors III, Inc. is a non-profit organization set to help the less fortunate in urban area communities by bring awareness, guidance and support to local disregarded issues while offering a positive path of providing hope.


Currently, we are accomplishing our overall mission by focusing on our local urban community by helping the homeless with basic necessities, such as food and clothing; aiding the sick with moral and financial support; and providing a flourishing environment for our youth by offering them an alternative from the streets, via after school activities.

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Last year we were able to reach the goal of feeding 80-100 homeless, (covid 2022) during our “feed the Homeless” event we provided a warm thanksgiving dinner in the park.  On behalf of Victorious Warriors, III, Inc, and the Bronx community, we personally thank you and ask you to please continued supporting our yearly Thanksgiving Mission.

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This year Victorious Warriors III, Inc, aim to continue feeding the homeless family in our urban community that is in needs of our community love and Blessing. This year please helps our community, a donation of $10.00 or more or a cooked tray of food will help feed one of many community families in need. Our mission is to empower our family.


If you have any questions, please contact our President, Diana Diffut, at Phone 917-476-3458


For donation;

Checks payable to: Victorious Warriors III, Inc

Zelle 917-476-3458

Cashapp 917-476-3458


Dinner date: November 23, 2023


Sincerely yours,

Warrior of Love

Diana Diffut

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